
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Here goes nothing. I really don't know what I am doing; however, my best friend Allison suggested I start this. It could be fun! The true challenge will be to try to find time to do this. I recently started a myspace. Sometimes, I wonder am I too old for a myspace. Blogging might be a better option for me. My challenge will also be to keep it short and sweet. I have a tendency to be a chatter box! Those who know me will agree. I talk really fast just so I can get everything said I want to and then some. I included (at least I think I did!) a picture of my son Colton! He is such a ham. He had a great accomplishment tonight. Most might not think of it as an accomplishment on several accounts; however, in our world it is! I told Colton he was in trouble for yet again destroying my Clinic powder. It never fails, the boy zones in on the new stuff! I asked him, "do you know why you are in trouble?" and he said "WHY?" Colton never communicates in a conversation structure. As soon as he asked why, I totally forgot he was getting reprimanded and started celebrating! Wow, the simple things that deserve acknowledgment! As soon as Seth and I started celebrating, Tanner chimed in shouting "why" "why" "why"! She is quite the mimicker! Colton and Tanner actually liked each other tonight! It was a great evening. I am so tired though. My insomniac children have it in for me. On that note, I think I will go to bed. Maybe tomorrow, I will have more to say and spice up my layout some!