First Week of Kindergarten

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Well this is the norm.....I told Colton to eat all of his breakfast.....and he did it all at one time! Typical Colton fashion!!

So cute in his little glasses!!!!
Well, the first day of school came and went. It was very exciting and nerve racking to have him go all day. Anytime there is a routine change in Colton's world it presents some challenges. He is adjusting well overall. The first day, his report stated that he had a rough afternoon. I was concerned how he was going to adjust to not having a nap during the day. They did a 15 minute rest time and he naturally crashed out! He proved to be somewhat challenging after he was woke up. Surprise, Surprise!!! The last two days he has gotten a significantly longer nap session.....2 hrs each day. Initially, I was thinking he was just napping through recess and rest time. Now after reviewing their daily schedule I see that he is missing most of his inclusion time with the regular kindergarten class because he is sleeping! That is a concern for me. I am going to address it in the morning when I drop him off. I am not quite sure what the teacher's game plan is. It might just be for this week and they are working out a system that will let him nap longer and still be included in the regular classroom environment. I hope!!! The point of the inclusion is to include him in a traditional classroom setting. Not let him sleep in the classroom setting! I can already tell that this is going to be a fun year!!!!

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